BDS Supports Indian Lead Zinc Development Association Workshop as Gold Sponsor

New Delhi, India – Black Diamond Structures participated as a Gold Sponsor in a workshop specifically devoted to innovations within the Lead Acid battery industry in India. The India Lead Zinc Development Association, popularly known as ILZDA, was founded in 1962 and is a non-profit non-commercial organization dedicated to market development and dissemination of technical information in respect of Lead, Zinc and their applications.

According to Dru Kefalos, Black Diamond’s Chief Marketing Officer, “ILZDA is one of the leading information and technical data support and recording organizations throughout the region and we are very pleased to help support their remarkable effort in this field”. The title of the BDS presentation is “MOLECULAR REBAR® discrete carbon nanotubes in Renewables & E-Vehicle Applications: Unlocking Longer Life
& Energy Savings”.