Discover how new developments in nanomaterials are impacting major industries.
Black Diamond Structures will exhibit and present its latest discoveries from its patented product, MOLECULAR REBAR, at one of the largest Lead acid battery showcases in the world – The 11th International Lead Battery Fair, April 26-28 in the Beijing International Convention Center.
The event is sponsored by the Battery Commerce Chamber International and hosts delegates from more than 50 countries representing one of the world’s largest gatherings of Lead Acid battery manufacturers, suppliers, and battery specialists since its beginnings in 1998.
Dru Kefalos, Black Diamond’s Chief Marketing Officer, commented “We have some exciting developments in advancing the science of lead acid batteries and their use in a variety of applications, from improved e-rickshaw performance to energy storage in general. Our product, Molecular Rebar, has been tested in virtually every geographic and climatic condition in the world. We are working with some of the world’s largest battery manufacturers to enhance performance and dramatically increase the reliability of the ‘workhorse’ of the battery industry.”
Tim Knaus, Vice President for Global Sales, said “We are delighted to have the opportunity to attend this prestigious event and have the opportunity to explain our most recent testing and reveal the importance of our nanomaterial technology and its importance to the lead acid battery community in China”.
Black Diamond extends an invitation to all attending this remarkable fair to come by its booth number 122 to allow us a chance to discuss your particular battery needs.
Visit their website at for more information.